The Best Motorized Wheelchairs


Motorized wheelchairs are a welcome up upgrade from the previous manually hand driven or manual wheelchairs. Any person who uses a wheelchair or more specifically, the people who have already used a simple, manual wheel chair may understand that this innovation to assisted mobility is an enormous improvement.

In the older models, wheels had to be moved manually by the passenger, or the wheelchair required to be pushed by an assistant. The strength required to manually roll the wheels was extremely demanding, making things quite difficult for the disabled person. Maneuvering the chair was also very difficult, as there no speed, gears or other customizable adjustments.

Motorized chairs can be easily navigated along narrow hallways, thresholds or bumpy terrains. The three main types offered are the front wheel drive, center or mid wheel drive and rear wheel drive. The classification depends on the position of the wheels controlled.

Knowing that the user may have to sit in the chair for long hours, these chairs are engineered to give excellent support to the spine and are also provided with extra padding.

Many options like adjustment of the height, inclination, adjustment of the arm rest, movable head rest, and adjustable foot rest all are provided to make the user comfortable.

Motorized chairs can be quite heavy when compared to the light weight chairs.

The usual price range is anywhere between $1300- $4000. Speed range can be adjusted up to 4 mph and have a weight bearing capacity of 300-800 lbs in different models.

Some companies offer fold able, motorized chairs with speeds up to 8 mph that are aesthetically designed to give them a trendy look with lights, attractive seats and other accessories. There are also high priced models that come with all sorts of excellent accessories to optimize utility.

Sitting in the confines of your home, it is so easy to visit the online sites and take a virtual tour, comparing the prices and the models.

There is a chance of getting reimbursed by Medicare and you can apply for preapproval. But the approval by the review personnel may not guarantee a reimbursement,

The criteria for Medicare are as follows:

The patient would be totally bed or chair ridden, without the use of a wheel chair.

A wheel chair is necessary as in the criteria above, but the patient is unable to operate it manually.

The patient is capable enough to operate all the controls of the motorized wheelchair.

The use of the Motorized wheel chair also requires a medical justification, which is also known as Certificate of Medical Necessity or CMN authorized by the physician, and supplemented with a prescription and may be a history of medical notes, warranting the need of the Motorized chair.


Learn more about Manual or Motorized Wheelchair

and Foldable Wheelchair by going to